Our body produce creatine naturally and it is store in th muscles for energy and to perform physical movements. When you supplement yourself with creatine it stores more amount of creatine in you muscle cells and will help you in performing intense workouts.
Creatine is the oldest supplement being used in the bodybuilding industry. Now a days athletes supplement themselves for better performance. When you perform intense physical movements like excercise, the creatine starts making energy molecules which is ATPS (Adenosine triphosphate). ATPs gives you the energy to lift heavy and supplementing creatine will give more number of ATPs i.e. more energy.
How does it work?
When you supplement yourself with creatine the muscle cells get hydrated and water increases. Which also resembles that there will be muscle gain.
Non vegetarians produce more creatine in the body then vegetarians because of consumption of meat.
When you start taking creatine as a supplement, there is a loading cycle where you have to load creatine in your body for 1 week and about 15-20gm creatine per day.
In the scond week you have to cut the creatine from 15-20 gms to 10gm/day for total 3 weeks. This is a maintainance weeks where you just have to maintain the creatine level. This will give you more strength and will help you perform intense workouts and you will able to observe more pump in the body while performing workouts.
From week 6-8 you have to cut the creatine supplement totally, so that you will not be totally dependent on creatine in the long run. After 8th week you have to repeat the cycle from loading the creatine in the body, by following this cycle it will give you better results.
When you cut off the creatine supplementation completely your body will lose 20% of strength but you will be able to lift more as compared to workouts when you did not consume creatine.
For the loading week you have to consume 3-4 times a day which will be 15-20 gms/day so that will be 5gms/serving and that can be from morning to evening. After the loading week, you have to consume 10gm/day for total 3 weeks and that will be twice a day anywhere from morning to evening but should complete 10gms/day.
Remember to drink alot of water during creatine supplementation to avoid kidney stones and if you are suffering from kidney stone then avoid consuming.
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