As the name suggests fat burner, it helps in burning fat from the body. The main ingredients in the fat burner and almost all the fat burners available in the market have the same ingredients but the difference is in the amount of ingredients present in it. The main ingredients are caffeine, green tea extract, yohimbine, soluble fiber etc.
Most of the people look at the fat burner as a magic pill like if you consume fat burner and boom, you lost your fats and your are slim, sorry to break it you but fat burner helps in burning of fats when there is clean diet and workout in your daily routine. Human body naturally burns fats but to boost the process fat burners are used. Fat burners increase the metabolism of the body when it is consumed and it increases the temperature of the core(thermogenesis) which last for 2 hours. In that period while working out it will also give a boost of energy by using fats in your body as energy which will also help in burning excess fat.
The natural fat burner everyone have in their home is coffee. Consumption of black coffee without sugar will help you increase your metabolism and it will also help in losing excess fats.
So what is the difference between the packed fat burner and coffee?
Well, packed fat burner will be having excess caffeine present in the capsule which will help in losing fats of your body but it might end up in muscle loss also unless you have to look like a shirt on the hanger.
The fat burners present in the market with fancy packaging and high prices will work the same as the coffee present in your house and you will have to put in same work and dedication to see the results, there is no magic in fat burner pills.
Consumption of black coffee without sugar will help you control the amount of caffeine you are giving to your body so you can have multiple doses in small amount and also you will not be sleep deprived.
When to consume?
Caffeine work better when you are about to workout in 15-20 mins or else its also fine to consume black coffee when you are actually doing excercise. It will increase your body temperature and will help in burning fat. Consumption of 1-1.5 gm of black coffee with warm water is enough to get the kick. Do not do over consumption it will not help but your sleep will be gone for good.
So how does it work?
When fat burner is consumed it breaks down fats and it is used as a fuel for energy. The caffeine breaks down the fats present in the adipose tissue i.e. belly fat. Once the fatty acids are broken down it enters the blood stream and can be burned up by our body to create energy. But releasing fats in the blood stream will not help in losing fats, so thats when workout and clean diet comes into picture.
Losing fats by caffeine is for short term and it will not work in long term because consumption of casffeine will make you tolerant to it. In that case caffeine cycle can be use where you have to cut off caffeine for two weeks and then start consuming again.
But for the long run, clean diet and workout is suggested and it will become a part of a healthy lifestyle once you get a grip.
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